Recollections of the wedding of Mary Molloy and Lieut. Du Cane at Fremantle 1856, [19--?] [manuscript]. [19--?]
Related Entities
There are 3 Entities related to this resource.
Brockman, Capel Carter, 1839-1924 (person)
Edmund Du Cane was a military officer and prison administrator. He obtained a commission in the Royal Engineers in 1848, and in 1851 was sent to W.A. to superintend works for the convict establishment. Later he acted as visiting magistrate of convict stations in the colony and became known for his progressive attitude. Mary Molloy was the daughter of John and Georgiana Molloy, pioneers of Vasse and Augusta districts of W.A. The Bussell family were also pioneers of that region. Capel Carter Busse...
Du Cane, Mary Dorothea, 1834-1881 (person)
Du Cane, Edmund F. (Edmund Frederick), 1830-1903 (person)
Edmund Du Cane was a military officer and prison administrator. He obtained a commission in the Royal Engineers in 1848, and in 1851 was sent to W.A. to superintend works for the convict establishment. Later he acted as visiting magistrate of convict stations in the colony and became known for his progressive attitude. In 1856, he married Mary Molloy, the daughter of John and Georgiana Molloy, pioneers of Vasse and Augusta districts of W.A. From the description of Letter, 1897 Dec. [...